I'm Megan, a second-year student studying computer science at Brown University. I'm currently interested in computer systems, and I'm excited to explore and learn more about full stack development, security, and other aspects of CS. When I'm not programming, I love to read mystery novels and manga, watch anime, learn languages, and eat yummy food with my family and friends. Feel free to contact me to talk about anything above and more!
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Here are some projects I found cool! Click on each project to read more..

Demo of shell

OCT 2023 | CSCI0330: Introduction to Computer Systems

Simple C shell built from scratch employing C systems calls with proper error checking. Implemented REPL that,
  1. read command request from stdin
  2. execute command with job control, signal handling, and I/O redirection
  3. print any informative message during command execution to stdout
Demo of Midnight Toast Website
🔗 To Site

AUG 2023 | Personal Project

Renovated and redesigned website for local home bakery hosted through GitHub Pages improving features such as more interactive components, involved design, and screen size adaptivity.

Demo of Travel Planner
Outputs transport path and method when given 'cheap', 'fast', or 'direct' commands
Demo of Travel Planner CSV File
Sample CSV file with route information

APR 2023 | CSCI0200: Data Structure and Algorithms

Given travel route information through CSV file, calculates and provide most direct route between two locations using BFS algorithm or most cheapest/fastest route with Dijkstra algorithm.

Demo of Connect4 game
Here, Player1 is a human player and Player2 is AI

NOV 2022 | CSCI0170: Introduction to Computer Science

Implemented Connect4 game where human player can play against another human player/AI player or watch a AI player play with another AI player. The AI player uses pattern matching and Minimax algorithm to infer next best move. A referee manages if moves are legal and when to end each game with tie, win, or lose. Player can also change board size.